DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

10 Tips for Looking and Feeling Great Over the Holidays

Happy woman in Santa hatLooking and feeling your best isn’t always easy, especially during the holidays. You want to look great for your holiday greeting card, but you find yourself getting caught up in the traditions and foods of the season. Instead, practice these 10 tips for looking and feeling great.

1. Go the Extra Mile

Get a pedometer and continually challenge yourself to walk more steps than you did the day before. Park farther away when you go to the grocery store or mall and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walking is excellent for both your physical and mental well-being.

2. Creative Fitness Routines

If you feel like you don’t have time to exercise an hour each morning, increase your physical activity with your daily chores and errands. For example, do wall sits while you brush your teeth.

3. Early to Bed, Early to Rise

You’ve heard the old adage about how a good night’s rest will make you healthy, wealthy, and wise, and it’s true. You’ll be surprised how much better you look and feel by implementing a healthy sleep routine.

4. Moisturize

As the cold weather sucks hydration from your skin, put some back in with good moisturizers, especially on your face and neck. A good moisturizer adds vibrancy to your skin now and keeps the wrinkles away later.

5. Stay Hydrated

The average adult should drink half their bodyweight in ounces of water a day. Getting the right amount of water improves physical appearance while increasing your mental alertness.

6. Make Your Meals

Fast food is tempting when you don’t have the time to make a meal. However, for a healthier mental and physical outlook, look for cheap, healthy, and quick meals you can make at home in the same amount of time.

7. Get Your Vitamins

Make sure you get enough vitamin C to boost your immune system and enough vitamin D from sunlight to boost your mental health. A lack of vitamin D can lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), more commonly known as Winter Depression.

8. Control Your Eating

Say no to a plate of cookies and say yes to healthy muffins or a fruit salad. Look for creative ways to implement low calorie, healthy recipes to help you enjoy holiday treats without gaining body fat.

9. Manage Your Time and Activities

It’s easy to overbook yourself when you have plenty of shopping to do, errands to run, and parties to attend during the holidays. Too much on your plate will lead to stress, which will lead to lack of sleep, an unhealthy diet, and other mental and physical problems. Manage your time and limit your obligations for a healthier, more attractive you.

10. Say Your Affirmations

Every morning, tell yourself all the things you need to hear to get going each day. You’ll be surprised how much energy and motivation you have following your morning pep talk.