DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

4 Home Remedies You Should NEVER Try

woman have fun with a face maskEveryone has their at-home beauty remedy that they swear by.  Some of these remedies and hacks work, but some of them only work because the person believes they will work, an effect known as the placebo effect.  You should always be careful when you hear “magical” remedies on the internet and do your research before you put something on your face.  Your skin is your largest organ, and you need to take care of it.  Some substances are not only unhelpful, but can permanently damage your skin.  Make sure that the advice that you accept about your skincare regime comes from a licensed professional, and not your favorite blogger or youtuber.  Below are 4 popular home remedies that you should NEVER try.  

Nut Shell Exfoliator

There is a new exfoliation trend where you crush different nut shells such as pistachios, walnuts, and other nuts and mix them with olive oil to exfoliate your face.  You should never try this makeshift beauty hack.  Most of the time, you cannot grind your nuts fine enough to make an effective exfoliator, leaving large, sharp chunks of shell to scratch your face, damaging your skin and capillaries. Stick to your dermatologist recommended exfoliator for soft, healthy skin.  

Sugar Lemon Facial Scrub

Many people mix sugar with lemon juice to create a natural facial scrub.  It claims to help get rid of acne scars and leave the skin “soft and insanely smooth.”  While this sounds like a good idea, as sugar seems like a natural exfoliator, and lemon is full of vitamin C, both of these products should never be placed on your skin.  Sugar should never be used on the face, as it is very abrasive and can create tiny lacerations in the skin that can cause it to be irritated and even break out.  Lemon is another natural product that does not belong on the face. The pH of your skin needs to be at about 4 to 5, while lemon juice has a pH of 2.  The acid can permanently damage your skin, and since lemon juice is phototoxic, it can also cause chemical burns.  

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a base, and has a pH of 9, far from the 4 or 5 that your skin naturally has.  It will destroy the lipid layer of your face, allowing bacteria to infiltrate the skin cells, causing infections.  Baking soda also can dry out your skin.  It should never be used on the face, including the famous “toothpaste” hack (put toothpaste on a pimple to get rid of it).

Alcohol to Remove Blackheads

Another popular “natural” remedy is to use alcohol to cleanse the skin and get rid of blackheads.  You should not use alcohol in any of its forms – vodka, rubbing alcohol, or whisky – on your face.  Alcohol breaks down the skin’s barrier, leaving it vulnerable for other substances to enter. It also can burn your skin if you use too high of a concentration.