DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

4 Ways to Change Your Skincare Routine This Fall

Just like the weather, your skin is constantly changing. As your skin changes, what it needs also changes. Try to be in tune with your skin, and notice when it changes. If you have an annoying breakout, your skin is trying to tell you something! As we transition into fall in the coming months, here are a few easy ways you should change up your skincare routine.

Change your cleanser


During the summer, when you’re sweating a lot more, your cleanser needs to be a bit tougher and clarifying. As the weather gets colder, swap out your summer cleanser with something that’s a bit gentler on your skin. We recommend something with Aloe and gentle cleansing properties. After washing your face, evaluate how it feels. It should feel smooth and soft. If it feels tight, you probably need to try something else.


Swap out your toner


For the same reason that you want to switch out your cleanser, you should use a toner that has a bit more balancing power than your summer toner does. Go for a hydrating and gentle toner, and remember to avoid alcohol based toners that are drying to your skin. That is the last thing you want, as fall and winter are dry seasons.


Use a cream based moisturizer


We usually recommend using an oil based moisturizer in the summer, and a cream based moisturizer in the winter. Since you won’t be sweating so much, you’re less at risk of clogging your pores, and your skin need the extra hydration of a cream! Remember to listen to your skin; if you normally have oily skin, you may want to stick with your lighter summer moisturizer.




Exfoliating is the best way to fight those sun spots that can try to creep up after summer is over. If your skin is starting to look a little dull, or you’re experiencing dry and flaky patches, it’s probably time for a little bit of loving exfoliation. You want to be careful when selecting exfoliants, as some with large beads are not only horrible for the environment, but they will tear up your skin and spread bacteria and breakouts. Remember to not exfoliate every single day, it’s best if you exfoliate 2-3 times a week. You should also exfoliate your lips, as they can easily get dry and cracked during the cold months!