DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

5 Best Things to Do For Clogged Pores

Sometimes your face just needs a bit of a refresh. Your skin goes through a lot! Sun, sunscreen, makeup, and air pollution all contribute to a face that can begin to feel drabby and dingey. Your pores especially deserve a bit of TLC to remove the debris that is clogging them up, and help you get back the skin you love and deserve. Here are a few things to do to help out your skin and get rid of clogged pores.



A facial at Barr Aesthetics is one of the best things you can do to take care of your clogged pores. Extractions, as well as peels, masks, and calculated exfoliation will not only clear out your pores, but also make it easier to take care of your skin and make your makeup go on smoother.


Chemical peels


We love chemical peels! A chemical peel takes the top few layers of dead skin off, promoting the growth of new collagen, and getting rid of dirt and grime. It’s a great way to hit the refresh button on your face, and it’s something everyone needs this summer! It’s also great for healing scars and discoloration.


Exfoliation device


When doing at home treatments, you have to be careful to be gentle on your skin. Some exfoliating products can tear up your skin, which will make any problems you’re experiencing so much worse. Using a device like a clarisonic with a gentle cleanser will gently exfoliate your skin and clean out those pores.


Charcoal masks


Not only are at-home face masks a lot of fun, but the right ones can be so beneficial for your skin! Face masks that contain activated charcoal are great for rejuvenating the pores, and is considered a skincare superstar. The charcoal attracts toxins, and can absorb up to 200 times its weight in impurities. Use one of these masks(make sure to only purchase masks from reputable sources) to pull out pollutants and give your skin a new glow.


Pore Strips


If you don’t have time to head in for a facial and some intense extractions, pore strips can help out in a pinch. Pore strips are created to act like a magnet, pulling all of the dirt out of your pores, getting rid of buildup, and leaving you with smaller pores and a fresh face. These pore strips are best for use across the nose!