DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

6 Ways You’re Giving Yourself Wrinkles

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but you may be causing yourself more than you realize.  Read on to learn 7 ways that you are giving yourself wrinkles every day.  

Sleeping on a Cotton Pillowcase

Cotton pillowcases absorb moisture, causing friction  This can cause your face to drag against your face, wrinkling your skin.  A satin or silk pillowcase on the other hand will decrease drag, preventing wrinkles.  Consequently, switching to a silky pillowcase will also prevent your hair from breaking.  

Not Getting Enough Sleep

It is important to get your beauty sleep for many reasons, but also to prevent wrinkles.  Not sleeping causes your body to release cortisol, breaking down the collagen in your skin.  Make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night so that your skin can restore itself.  

Using Your Cellphone Too Much

When you use your cell phone, you bend your neck down at a strange angle.  Over time, you will develop deep neck wrinkles that are difficult to get rid of.  To prevent these wrinkles, you should use your phone less, or consider getting a stand to make your viewing more ergonomic.  


If you often squint because you don’t wear the proper eyeglasses (either you need them to see, or you don’t use sunglasses), you will develop crows feet and forehead wrinkles.  If you would like to prevent these, visit the eye doctor to get fitted for glasses or contacts, and wear sunglasses whenever you are outside, even in the winter.  

Rubbing Your Face

Rubbing your face or eyes when you wash off your makeup at night causes unnecessary wrinkles.  Instead of rubbing, gently pat your skin with a towel to dry it.  When removing your makeup, use a cotton swab with remover on it to gently dissolve the makeup before you gently take it off with a cotton round or microfiber towel.  

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum causes your face to screw up into many different positions, inevitably causing wrinkles.  Gum chewers often find themselves with pronounced jaw muscles and a downturn of the corners of the mouth.  To prevent these wrinkles use mints, breath strips, brush your teeth, or use mouthwash instead of chewing gum.


Smoking causes fine lines around the mouth, due to the constant pursing of the lips, known as “smoker’s mouth.”  The chemicals in the smoke break down your skin in other places as well, making you look old much faster than you would otherwise.  Unfortunately drinking from a straw can also cause “smoker’s mouth.”