DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

7 Reasons to Get a Chemical Peel

Face maskI’m sure you have heard of the “chemical peel” that has been sweeping the nation.  A chemical peel can make your skin look younger without extensive surgery.  A skin care professional applies the chemicals to your clean face, and the chemicals cause the outer layer of skin to peel off.  This allows new skin to grow. Chemical peels are simple and effective in making your skin clear, smooth, and youthful.  While there are many different chemical peels with different formulas, they all have similar benefits for the skin.  Read on for seven reasons why you should get a chemical peel today.

Reduce Blotchy Patches

Chemical peels can reduce the blotchy patches on your skin that can make your skin appear dull and aged.  The procedure will remove the outer layer of skin to even out your face.  

Reduce Sun Damage

Damage from the sun can cause wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, and even cancer.  Chemical peels can remove the layer of skin that has been damaged by the sun to make the skin smooth once again.  You can also prevent sun damage by taking care of your skin every day.  

Manage Acne

Chemical peels can help reduce the bacteria that causes acne.  The chemicals also exfoliate the skin, helping your face become clear and acne-free.  You may need to go through a couple of treatments to get the desired results.  

Lighten the Skin

While lightening the skin isn’t normally the reason people get a chemical peel, it is a nice side effect.  If the chemical peel contains phenol acid – the chemical used to help treat deep wrinkles – your skin will also become lighter and healthier-looking after your treatment.  

Refine Fine Lines

Many people get chemical peels to reduce the wrinkles in their face.  Chemical peels do an effective job of reducing the fine lines and small wrinkles.  It can dramatically alter the appearance of your skin without requiring extensive procedures.  While chemical peels can do a lot for fine lines and small wrinkles, they cannot fix deep wrinkles or very saggy skin.  

Smooth Skin

The main function of a chemical peel is to remove the damaged outer layer of skin.  The layer underneath is smooth and fresh, and after your procedure, your face will be much smoother than before.  

Low Downtime

You don’t typically need much time to recover from a chemical peel.  You can achieve results in a few treatments with minimal recovery.  During that recovery time, you can go about your everyday business, just be cautious with sun exposure.  Your skin may also feel a little itchy and dry after the peel.