DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Face Lift FAQs

Are there non-surgical methods to achieve the same results a facelift provides?

There are several non-surgical alternatives to facial rejuvenation but these typically won’t give you the same result as surgery and often aren’t permanent. The use of the large variety of ‘injectables’ available today have led to a concept called the ‘liquid facelift’. The combination of injectables and skin rejuvenation can certainly fade wrinkles and restore a more youthful contour to the face, but are most effective for patients exhibiting early signs of facial aging. During a complimentary consultation, Dr. Barr will review all alternatives with you and help guide you in making the treatment decision that is best for you.

What is a chin lift? Is it different from a facelift?

A chin lift is simply a neck lift, which is often included in a facelift, depending on the procedure you choose. In a chin or neck lift, an incision is made near the ear and skin is pulled tight and fat removed to allow for a more contoured neck and jaw line.

Will the facelift look natural? Will my friends and family be able to tell that I had surgery?

While some older techniques would create a ‘wind-blown’ appearance, the techniques used by Dr. Barr result in a very natural rejuvenation. Bruising from surgery will last a couple of weeks and it is during this period that people that see you will suspect you have “had something done.” However, a the swelling continues to resolve, it will be difficult for friends and family to detect signs of surgery, with the exception of the fact that you look better!

What is a mini lift? Is it different from a facelift?

Yes. A mini lift is just what it sounds like. Mini. Instead of an incision made into the deeper tissues (which happens during a facelift), only a few small incisions are made during a mini lift to remove excess fat and re-shape the muscle. A mini lift is great for minor sagging, however the effects will only last for a couple years, as opposed to a facelift, which will have more permanent results.