DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

A History of Neck and Face Lifts

Face Statistics

Facelifts were first performed back in the early 1900s when excess skin was elevated and removed. We now know that this may improve your appearance for a few months or even a year, but problems will soon after recur.

In the 1970s, we learned more about a critical support layer called the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) which is an organized network of collagen, elastic and muscle fibers as well as fat that lies on top of the critical structures of the face. It is this support layer that is lifted and re-suspended, resulting in a more natural appearance and a longer lasting rejuvenation. This procedure also includes a neck lift, allowing for a more contoured neck.

Over the past 40 years, cosmetic surgeons across the world have attempted several different approaches to lifting the support tissues of the face, but there is no one procedure that works best for everyone. There are many terms used for the variety of ‘types’ or variation in facelift technique. The Threadlift was an attempt to develop a minimally invasive approach, but is fraught with a high incidence of complications as well as rapid recurrence.

Other procedures such as the Mini-lift, the S-lift, the SwiftLift and the Lifestyle lift® are all terms that have been coined by various companies to attract patients interested in a minimal recovery procedure and are approaches that may be appropriate for some patients.