DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

A Look at Face Wrinkle Types and Causes

face wrinklesWrinkles generally have a variety of causes, from natural breakdown and weakening of collagen during aging, to repeated movements and expressions, to distortion of the skin during sleep, to sun damage. Yet each wrinkle on the body will have its own unique causes as well, depending on where it is located. Here is a brief overview of the different types of wrinkles you’ll find on the face—and what causes them in addition to general wrinkle causes.

Forehead lines

These are the pesky horizontal lines that span across the width of your forehead. For many they are the first wrinkles to appear on the face. In addition to factors such as genetics and sun damage, forehead lines are caused by repeated raising of the eyebrows, be it due to stress, surprise, or skepticism.

Frown lines

Frown lines are the smaller vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows and almost seem to line up with the bridge of the nose. These, of course, are caused by repeated frowning, as well as repeated squinting, concentrating, crying, and being angry.

Crow’s feet

These are the ever-famous wrinkles that crop up at the corners of the eyes. In addition to more general wrinkle-causing factors, crow’s feet are caused by repeated squinting and smiling (of the type that includes the eyes). Some believe that sleeping on your side can be a cause as well.

Tear troughs

Tear troughs are the deep wrinkles below the eyes that give the eyes a pronounced “baggy” appearance. Tear troughs can actually be hereditary, or they can be caused by a lack of volume in the skin in that area. The structure of the face—and the relationship between eyelid fat and cheek fat—can be a major factor as well.

Bunny lines

These are the small, crinkly looking wrinkles on the sides of the nose that are caused by hyperactivity of nasalis muscles when laughing or smiling.

Nasolabial folds

These are the vertical wrinkles that run from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These are caused largely by the natural movement of cheek tissue downward as we get older.

Lip lines

Lip lines are the small vertical lines often crop up above the upper lip, and less severely below the lower lip as well. Repeated movements of the lips such as pursing the lips, whistling, or smoking are primary causes.

Marionette lines (jowls)

These are the vertical wrinkles that span downward from the corners of the mouth toward the chin, sometimes giving the face a marionette-like appearance. Genetics and facial structure play a large role in determining whether or not a person develops these wrinkles.