DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Adult Acne

Female acne suffererDuring your years as a pimply-faced teenager, you had hope that it was just a phase.  Everyone told you that it would go away as you got older.  And it did, well, kinda.  Sometimes, you find the oh-so-frustrating zit creep onto the perfect porcelain surface of your skin, and sometimes, you break out worse than you ever did when you were a teenager.  Some people don’t even get acne until they start college.  Just like when you were in high school, these breakouts occur at the most inconvenient times: when you have to give a presentation at work, when your mother-in-law comes to visit, or right before your best friend’s wedding.  Nearly 70% of adults experience adult acne by the time they are 50, and women are more likely than men to have an outbreak.  What causes adult acne, and what can be done to get rid of it?

Causes of Adult Acne


The number one cause of adult acne is stress.  Stress causes your body to release the hormone cortisol, that causes your body to produce more oil that will clog your pores.  This is why you tend to break out during stressful situations, like weddings, presentations, or stressful family visits.  


Hormonal changes are also one of the leading causes of adult acne.  Women are especially prone to breakouts as their hormones fluctuate.  You may experience flare-ups around your period, during pregnancy, as a result of menopause, and if you start or stop taking birth control pills.  

Improper Diet

A diet that is full of fats, oil, carbs, dairy, and chocolate can cause breakouts.  If your body has a spike in blood sugar, it can trigger your skin’s inflammatory response and cause a breakout.  There have also been links between dairy and adult acne, especially if the products come from hormone-fed cows.

How to Fight Adult Acne

Wash Your Face

Every morning and every night, make sure to wash your face with a good cleanser to prevent break-outs.  Washing your face will remove oils and dirt that can become trapped in your pores that can cause acne.


Take the time to slow down.  Stress can cause other health problems besides acne such as heart attacks and ulcers.

Use Benzyl Peroxide

Benzyl Peroxide causes the skin to dry and peel, and reduces the amount of acne-causing bacteria.  

Eat a Healthy Diet

Carefully monitor your eating habits to eat less starches, sugars, and fats.  Eat organic dairy products and consume less chocolate.