Wrinkles. Sagging, aging skin. The human being’s nemesis, am I right? Wouldn’t we all like to be partakers of the fountain of youth with ever-vibrant and elastic skin? So you’ve found Father Time a-knocking at the door and want to deny him his fun? Skin rejuvenation is the answer. For many it is intimidating to know when to use measures of prevention or correction. Fortunately, the answer is it is never too early to start preventing, and mercifully, it is never too late to correct.
The abundant protein “collagen” is the glue that keeps our bodies together, literally derived from the Greek word “kolla,” meaning glue. This magic little protein is what gives our bodies strength and structure, and it also aids in the replacement of dead skin cells. In other words, collagen production keeps us looking youthful and fresh.
Collagen production reduces and degrades as we age, and effects can show as early as age 25. Some preventative aging methods can be utilized, including wearing sunscreen, moisturizing, and taking vitamin supplements. But what do we do when the damage is already done?
You might see over-the-counter products claiming to do the trick. They tempt you with collagen and elastin in the ingredients to prove how useful they are. Unfortunately, collagen and elastin proteins are too large to be absorbed through the cells of our skin; therefore, skin aging cannot be treated with lotions and creams. Any effects seen are due to moisturization (which we should all be giving our skin anyway, right?).
Procedures exist today that can make a significant difference in your skin’s elasticity and vibrance. These procedures can work wonders for your skin, and there need be no more reason to squeeze, cringe, and pinch when you look in the mirror. Current treatments starting from most gentle to more vigorous are:
Microdermabrasion is a gentle and effective process which stimulates skin revitalization. It is intended to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and is also beneficial for overall skin appearance and health.
Chemical Peels
Specially formulated and tailored to each patient, peeling solutions offer a real improvement in skin smoothness and youth and combat sun damage and wrinkles. Peels are intended to improve fine to moderate wrinkles.
Fillers and Injections
Botox, Dysport, and other proven wrinkle-reducing injectables can offer substantial skin rejuvenation and dramatically increase the appearance of youth. Fillers work to firm wrinkles ranging from fine to deep.