DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

An Overview of Lip Fillers

Young woman receiving botox injection in lipsFull, plump lips are a beauty feature envied across the board. Not everyone is born with them, but those who want fuller lips can have lip fillers injected into their lips, or a lip augmentation.

Types of Fillers

The most common type of lip filler is an injectable dermal filler, which essentially means it enlarges the skin in your lips. Collagen is the most common kind of dermal filler, though today, it is used less often. It is not as safe and effective as the newer kinds of dermal fillers.

Fat injections and implants may also be used to enhance lips, but they aren’t often used either, simply because the results are not consistent and there is a greater risk of side effects.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are now the filler of choice when it comes to lip augmentation. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in your body, which is why it is known to work best with lip enhancements. When injected into your lips, it acts as a cushion to support the structure and tissues of your lips to keep up its volume.

Deciding if Lip Fillers Are For You

Only navigate this road if you truly want to change your appearance with fuller, plumper lips. If you aren’t sure, discuss your options with your doctor or facial plastic surgeon. Only healthy candidates will be considered for the procedure. If you have a chronic oral infection, diabetes, lupus, or blood-clotting problems, you will not be recommended for the procedure.

The Procedure

If you are using dermal fillers for your lip augmentation, the entire procedure can be performed in your facial plastic surgeon’s office in very little time. A local anesthetic will be applied to the injection site, meant to completely numb the lips. Then, your surgeon will use very fine needles to inject the fillers into your lips.

Before and After

Before going into the office, you’ll need to remove any foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, or lip products. The same goes for the day following the procedure. Ice may be administered directly after the injections to ensure no swelling. The results of the injection should be immediately noticeable.

Side Effects and Risks

Though they are rare and generally mild, side effects may occur after the procedure. They may include redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, or bleeding at the injection sites as well as swollen and bruised lips. These side effects should only last a few days.

If the side effects continue, or if you have more serious side effects, such as lumps in the lips, lip asymmetry, infection, or scarring, you should call your surgeon immediately.