DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Aromatherapy for Better Health and Relaxation

Aromatherapy has been used for generations to utilize the healing effects of the scents of therapeutically beneficial plants. Aromatherapy uses the essential oils found in the leaves, skin, flowers, and bark of different plants to concentrate the scents that are naturally produced.

Why is Smell Special?

Smell has a powerful healing effect on us because of its direct link to our memories, emotions, and mood. We’ve known for a long time that mood and emotion can influence our health and our ability to heal from surgery, injury, and disease. When our mood is positive and optimistic, our immune systems are stronger. Mood has powerful effects on our quality of sleep, our appetite, digestive issues, and general pains and physical complaints. They can even reduce inflammation and balance hormonal complaints.

Smell’s link to emotion and memory is largely attributed to the location of the olfactory bulb, which is found in the limbic system, sometimes called the “emotional brain.” Even before it’s logically processed, smells are routed around the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory, and the amygdala, which manages emotion. Therefore, smells can trigger memory and emotions before you even consciously process them.

Smell can make us feel relaxed, rejuvenated, content, or uncomfortable. Properly used, aromatherapy can utilize these effects for the benefit of anyone in sniffing distance.

Some Popular Aromatherapy Scents

Aromatherapy is often used in tandem with massage and spa procedures in order to enable relaxation and promote healing throughout the body. When combined with proper topical application, and utilized in a healing environment, aromatherapy can be especially effective.

Here are some popular aromatherapy scents and their corresponding effects that you might recognize in use at our facility.

  • Lavender: Perhaps the most well-known aromatherapy scent, this is frequently used to encourage sleep and relaxation, even to relieve insomnia.
  • Lemon Oil: One of the most universally liked smells is also one of the most instant mood-lifts. This scent can relieve the effects of depression and anxiety.
  • Eucalyptus: This invigorating scent clears the airways and can provide clarity for the mind as well.
  • Sage: Excellent for healthy skin and hair, sage is said to stimulate circulation and growth, and relieves anxiety. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps and labor pain.
  • Tea Tree: The smell of tea tree oil boosts the immune system and reduces irritation and inflammation for many skin conditions.
  • Ylang Ylang: This strong floral scent that boosts mood and energy. It can also have a positive influence on blood pressure and heart health.