DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Caring for Your Neck and Decollete

Take good care of your neck

It’s safe to say that most of us don’t like the physical signs of aging.  Exposure to UV rays from the sun and environmental pollutants can make our skin age faster than it needs to.  Premature aging can be reduced if we take proper care of our skin.  While many of us are good about taking care of our faces, we tend to stop at the jaw line, neglecting the neck and décolleté areas.  As a result, these areas are among the first to show signs of age.  So, what can you do about it?

Use your sunscreen.  We say this a lot, but its importance cannot be minimized.  Using a high-quality sunscreen that will protect you from harmful UVA and UVB rays will reduce the sun’s effect on your skin.  Wear your sunscreen every single day, making sure to pay attention to your neck, décolleté area, and any other exposed skin.

Exfoliate regularly.  Every time you exfoliate your face, continue down your neck and chest.  This skin is sensitive and is often overlooked in all parts of your skincare regimen.

Change your cleanser.  Most women wash these sensitive areas with their regular bath soap, which is generally harshly alkaline and can dry the skin.  The neck and décolleté are less glandular and have less fatty tissue than other areas of your skin.  Using a facial cleanser on your neck and upper chest will be gentler to this sensitive skin.

Extend your moisturizer.  As you moisturize your face, be sure to continue applying that moisturizer down, over your neck and décolleté.  For the same reasons we want to use a facial cleanser here, we want to use the facial moisturizer.  It’s sensitive skin, so be nice to it!

Visit an aesthetician.  Make caring for your neck and décolleté area the same priority as you do your face.  When you go in for spa treatments or a facial, make sure they give you extra attention in these areas.

Consult a cosmetic surgeon.  When the signs of aging start to appear, or they are too pronounced for you to ignore any longer, talk to a physician who specializes in cosmetic procedures, like Dr. Barr.  She will be able to talk with you about your options and offer a variety of treatments to improve the overall condition of this skin and give it a rejuvenated appearance.