DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Causes of Dark Circles Under Eyes

If you experience dark circles under your eyes, you are not alone. Many people experience dark circles under their eyes frequently or even chronically. These circles can have a negative effect causing others to believe you are ill or tired. There are a few different causes of these menacing shadows. If you are looking to treat the circles with surgery or a cream, you will want to find out why you have the circles first.

Genetics: If you have deep-set eyes or large eyelids this may cause your eyes to appear to have large and gray shadows under them, even when you are not sleepy at all.

Iron Deficiencies: Anemia and other related iron deficiencies can cause the eyes to appear dark and heavy.

Allergies: Allergies can cause very droopy looking lids and dark shadows around the eyes.

Dehydration: If you are not drinking the recommended amount of liquid per day, you may be dehydrated if you notice dark circles under the eyes.

Depending on the reasons for dark circles under your eyes, doctors and cosmetic surgeons can recommend a treatment. Many times cosmetic professionals will work to determine what is causing the dark circles before recommending any type of cosmetic procedure.