DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Common Summer Skin Care Mistakes

Woman looking at the camera quite surprisedIt is important to take care of your skin the right way.  Read on to learn the most common summer skin care mistakes.

Forgetting to Use Sunscreen

It is important that you use sunscreen every day, especially during the summer.  Wear broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.  Get sunscreen specifically designed for your face.

Being Inconsistent

If you are inconsistent in your skincare, you will start to experience more breakouts, wrinkles, and other problems.  If you are perfect in your skincare for one week, but then slack off, your skin problems will return.  If you would like consistent results, you will need to be consistent in your skincare regime.  

Not Staying Hydrated

It is important to stay hydrated for many reasons, but one reason is so that your skin can be healthy.  Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and it needs plenty of water to keep it hydrated.  You also need to lotion your skin every morning and every night, and every time you wash your hands.

Using Products Not Suited For Your Skin

Every person’s skin is different.  For some, breakouts are caused by oily skin, but for others, their hormones cause their skin to act up.  Visit a dermatologist to figure out what exactly is going on with your skin, and get the right products for your skin type.  

Over Exfoliating

Yes you want to exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin cells so that new skin can grow underneath, but you don’t want to over-exfoliate.  Over exfoliation can scrub away skin cells that are trying to grow, causing wrinkles and scarring.  You should only exfoliate 1-3 times per week.

Not Washing Your Face

It is important to wash your face before you go to bed at night.  While you sleep, your skin refreshes itself, and makeup can slow that regeneration.  Wearing makeup at night can cause dry, dull skin, breakouts, and more.  Remove all of your makeup before you go to sleep, every single night.  

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Your body (and skin) rejuvenates itself when you sleep.  It is important that you get at least eight hours of sleep every night to keep your skin healthy, and to prevent wrinkles, bags under the eyes, redness, and breakouts.  You can also sleep on a silk pillowcase to help prevent wrinkles.

Picking Your Skin

If you get a blemish (or a sunburn for that matter), and you start picking, you can cause blemishes to last longer, scarring, and more break outs.  It’s important to let your skin heal.