DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Different Nose Shapes

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that can make a huge impact on the overall balance of the face. Many patients are seeking a procedure to enhance the balance of the face and to reduce the appearance of their present nose shape. Here are some of the common nose shapes that are adjusted during rhinoplasty procedures.

Nose hump: A hump in the nose is usually either genetic or the result of injury. Removal of these humps is one of the most commonly requested procedures. A surgeon will have to make slight adjustments to the rest of the nasal area in addition to removing the hump to create an aesthetically pleasing balance.

Tip projection: This is a procedure that requires advanced work to areas containing a large percentage of cartilage. A doctor will be able to recommend the best procedure to create overall facial balance with the most minimal amount of risk of nasal collapse. The bridge of the nose may also need adjustment to create the right facial structure to support tip adjustments.

Saddle nose: A saddle nose is usually the result of trauma to the nose and can also occur after an infection. The saddle nose has a lowered appearance on the bridge of the nose. This can also have a negative impact on breathing deeply and sleep patterns. Rhinoplasty surgery can usually enhance the appearance of a nose and correct saddle nose internally as well.