DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

History of Beauty and Cosmetics: Egypt

Not many people can think of Egyptian beauty without thinking of Cleopatra. But, what did she really look like? What were her beauty secrets? She shared many of the same cleansing and cosmetic trends of her time and was even said to have created some of her own that are still popular today.

Healthy skin is an important part of beauty in any culture. Unhealthy skin can be a sign of bad health and uncleanliness. Ancient Egyptians took the health of their skin very seriously. Egyptians of all social statuses used soaps containing almond oil and vegetable oil to keep their skin looking clean and hydrated.

Egyptians of high social statuses preferred to bathe in milk to soften the skin. Milk contains a lactic acid and creates radiance in the skin that is hard to beat. Currently in the U.S. and many other countries around the world, lactic acid can be found in skin and body cleansers.

The ancient Egyptians are also known for their elaborate eye makeup. Men and women both wore creative and bold eye shadow designs that were believed to be protection against the sun’s rays and evil. This makeup was made of products such as kohl and malachite.

The best beauty trend that Cleopatra may have offered the world is the spa. Some historians believe that Cleopatra created the first spa by demanding that a calm and relaxing palace be built near the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea offered water rich in minerals and wonderful for the skin. Elements from the Dead Sea are still produced today.