DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

History of Beauty: Native Americans

Native American men and women of the past were commonly envied for their long and luscious locks of dark hair. Pioneers and others often asked the Native Americans for tips for creating such beautiful, lustrous hair. The tips are quite simple and can be followed today to see improvement in the overall quality of the hair.

Diet: The diet of Native Americans of the past was very clean. Raw and steamed vegetables and starches were consumed with a small percentage of meat protein. Meat protein was consumed minimally. A clean diet full of nutrients and vitamins is crucial for healthy hair.

Products: Native Americans did not use products full of sulphates and harsh chemicals on their hair as we do in the more modern age. Use the most naturally made shampoo and conditioner available to mimic the hair care of the Native Americans.

Care: Native Americans used soft bristled brushes made from natural materials such as smooth twigs and horse hair to brush their hair. You can find wide toothed brushes with smooth bristles at most beauty stores.