Hair is made of several components, but the main component and most commonly known is keratin. Keratin is a protein that is also responsible for the growth of fingernails. Hair is comprised of many layers, including the cuticle and the medulla. Hair grows in a three-phase structure. The average person loses 100 individual hairs per day due to a 3-phase growth pattern.
Phase 1 Anagen– This phase can last up to 8 years. It is the primary phase for hair growth and creates a hair shaft. The shaft is surrounded by keratin and this keeps it strong enough to come out of a pore. The growth rate for this phase differs by individual and this phase determines how long a person’s hair can grow. If an indivdual’s anagen phase is typically shorter than average, their hair will stop growing sooner than average. This is one reason some woman have difficulty growing their hair past their shoulders.
Phase 2 Catagen– The second hair growth phase only lasts for about one month. It is a transitionary phase. The hair is no longer growing, but does not fall out. The follicle will become smaller and begins to disintegrate allowing a new hair follicle to emerge.
Phase 3 Telogen-This is the third and final hair growth phase. In this phase, the hair follicle will actually fall out. This accounts for most of the hair that can be seen falling out daily in the shower or in a comb.
Abnormal hair loss can occur due to disease, genetics or poor eating habits. Some diseases that can cause hair loss include thyroid disorders, immune disorders and skin disorders.