DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

How to Take Care of Your Skin This Summer

Summer is almost upon us! We spend most of the winter months getting our “summer body” ready. But we don’t spend nearly enough time getting our “summer skin” ready. Your skin goes through a lot during the summer months. Constant heat and exposure to the sun are just a few of the harsh things your skin has to deal with. You should always be careful with your skin and take proper care of it, but the way that you take care of your skin can change with the seasons. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your skin during the summer.


We won’t ever stop preaching about the importance of always having an SPF on your skin! It’s an important part of your skincare regimen no matter the time of year. During the summer, since you tend to spend more time outside than during any other time of the year, it’s even more important. Make sure that you’re applying an SPF to your face every morning, and that you apply it to the rest of  your skin when you’re going to be spending time outside. Many moisturizers have lightweight SPFs included, so you won’t have to take an extra step to take care of your skin.


Collagen is important to taking care of your skin. Essentially, collagen is the main structural protein that is found in the skin, as well as other connective tissues. It’s what gives your skin its elasticity and makes it appear to be younger. By adding extra collagen to your skin, you’ll be promoting elasticity of your skin and will eliminate wrinkles and can even get rid of some minor sun damage.


Exfoliation is a huge key to making sure that your skin has the chance to renew and heal itself. Especially with all of the extra exposure to sun that is natural during the summer months, making sure that exfoliation is a part of your daily routine is incredibly important. You want a gentle exfoliant that won’t irritate or tear up your skin.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for your skin, as well as the rest of your body and wellbeing. Being hydrated within allows your skin to also be hydrated. Especially if you’ll be spending an extended period of time outside, you’ll need to make sure that your skin is getting the hydration it needs to make up for what you’ll lose through sweat.