DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Brow FAQs

Which is better, browlift or blepharoplasty?

Dr. Barr will assess whether your sagging upper eyelids are the result of a drooping brow or extra skin in the upper eyelids. Sometimes you may need both procedures to optimize the cosmetic outcome. You can simulate the result of a brow lift by elevating your brow in the mirror – but be careful not to over elevate or you will look ‘surprised’.

Is it better to have a laser blepharoplasty?

Lasers have been used in medicine for over 30 years and can be used in many forms for blepharoplasty – from making the incision to debulking the fat to resurfacing wrinkled skin. What is more important than what is used, is what is done during surgery. It is very important, especially in lower eyelid surgery, to specifically address the problem which can widely vary from patient to patient. Dr. Barr will review this in detail at your consultation.