Because there are so many treatment options for the upper third of the face, it is critical to visit with Dr. Barr and discuss what the best options are for you. Brow lift surgery is most often performed endoscopically. Dr. Barr prefers to use Endotine® absorbable implants for re-suspension of the forehead and brow as they heal into their new position. An upper eyelid operation involves an incision in the lowest natural crease of your upper eyelid. Excess skin is removed and sometimes some fat and muscle will also be removed. In patients who have hollow lids, Dr. Barr may recommend adding volume usually with your own fat. Lower eyelid surgery is much less ‘cookie cutter’ and the technique used is highly dependent on the person. When possible, skin incisions are avoided resulting in no visible scar. Crepey excess skin can be tightened with a chemical peel while more extensive excess tissue will require a skin incision often in combination with tightening of the lower lid margin. Recovery time ranges from 1- 2 weeks depending on the procedure.