The Skin is the largest organ in the body: it protects you, so you should protect it. While prevention is always best, treating wrinkles, texture changes and brown spots on the face is not a new concept. Years of exposure to the sun and other environmental factors like smoking, unhealthy diet, and pollution cause free radical damage and accelerate the rate at which the skin changes. Face ‘peelers’ have been around since the early 1900s treating the Hollywood stars with their secret formulas. Over the last 100 years, and especially in the last ten years (The ‘Hetter’ peel), these formulas have made it to the hands of physicians who have analyzed and tested the ingredients, making much more precise peeling solutions.
LASER is another option for rejuvenating the skin. LASER is an acronym (standing for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation- a theory originally explained by Albert Einstein!). The first laser was invented in 1960 and there is still a continual evolution in laser technology. The latest technology in skin rejuvenation is the development of fractional lasers… or lasers that have “skip” areas that allow the skin to heal more quickly. The fractional CO2 laser provides for a significant improvement in the skin with less healing time than the more traditional C02 laser and deep chemical peels. Check out the following image to learn more about specific Utah skin treatments and skin care history…