DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Liquid Facelifts: Looking Younger Without Surgery

Look younger without surgery

As we get older, our skin begins to loosen and sag. These signs of aging are most noticeable on our faces and are influenced by gravity, heredity, and environmental factors. Over time, fine lines and subtle wrinkles may give way to deeper creases and be joined by pronounced jowls at the jaw and excess skin or fat bands in the neck.

In order to establish a more youthful appearance, many people are seeking the services of cosmetic surgeons. Among the most common procedures are a variety of face and face-neck lifts. There are more options than ever to consider when getting a facelift, and today we’re going to talk about one of the least invasive: liquid facelifts.

What is a liquid facelift?

A liquid facelift is a procedure in which one or more types of filler are injected under the surface of the skin to minimize the appearance of fine lines and fill out sagging skin. The injections are made directly to the affected areas and are effective on problem areas such as crow’s feet, mild jowls, lines beside the mouth and chin, and more. Liquid facelifts can also help to correct facial asymmetries that are unrelated to aging.

What kinds of fillers will be injected?

When you consult with Dr. Barr about your liquid facelift, she will evaluate the areas you would like treated and make appropriate recommendations. Among the most common fillers that are injected are Sculptra, Juvederm, Restylane, and Radiesse. For more lasting results, injection of your own fat into some areas can provide longer-lasting results. Sometimes, muscle immobilizing products, such as Botox and Dysport will be injected to stop or lessen the movements that cause the fine lines.

Will the results be drastic?

Most people who are considering facelifts don’t expect, or even want, to look 21 again. A well-done liquid facelift should leave people noticing that something is different, but they just can’t put their finger on it. They may ask if you have lost weight or changed your hair and makeup, not automatically guess that you’ve “had work done.” You want to look better, not drastically different.

How long does a liquid facelift last?

The amount of time your liquid facelift lasts depends on the fillers used. If you used your own fat, you will have the most lasting results. Otherwise, shorter-acting products will last a several months, and longer-acting products may last up to a couple of years. Dr. Barr will help you determine which course of treatment is the best for you.

What kind of downtime can I expect?

A liquid facelift can be performed in the physician’s office or clinic. The procedure itself can take as little as 15-30 minutes, and the most common side effects are mild swelling or bruising at the injection sites for a day or two. You’ll be able to resume your day-to-day tasks immediately.