DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Non-Surgical Aesthetics That Make an Impact

You don’t have to go under the knife to see results from cosmetic procedures. There are a number of non-surgical aesthetics that can have big results, ranging from injections and laser hair removal to hair regrowth and tattoo removal.

Some of the most popular aesthetic changes are also some of the most effective. Let’s take a look at what many of our clients book consultations for at Barr Aesthetics

Most Effective Non-Surgical Procedures

The benefits of noninvasive, nonsurgical procedures vary; they may offer shorter recovery times, cost less, and the results are often instant. Here are some of the most effective, non-surgical procedures:

Botulinum Toxin

Also known by the popular brand name Botox, this wrinkle-reducing injectable is by far one of the most popular and effective noninvasive procedures in the world of aesthetics. After an injection, you can start to see the effects within days. At Barr, we can target crows feet, brow lines, and smile lines with Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin. These products can help prevent or reduce the appearance of wrinkles by inhibiting muscle activity. A consultation with one of our experts can help you determine the number of units you need, and the frequency of the procedure for the best results.

Other uses of botulinum may not be visible to others, but it has been used to reduce headaches caused by clenching jaw muscles. If you’re interested in achieving these results, be sure to schedule a consultation with a doctor.

Hyaluronic Acid

Used topically or as an injectable, hyaluronic acid takes second place when it comes to popularity and effectiveness. Clients see results with this dermal filler when it’s injected into the face or lips. A filer such as hyaluronic acid can increase volume and add a youthful look to the skin. Like botulinum treatments, dermal fillers are not permanent and are metabolized by the body over time.

Depending on the look you would like to achieve, Barr Aesthetics offers a variety of dermal filler products:

  • Bellafill
  • Belotero
  • Juvéderm
  • Radiesse
  • Renuva
  • Restylane
  • Sculptra

As far as topical application goes, hyaluronic acid is added to moisturizers. It’s an element that naturally occurs in the skin, so using it in a cream or serum is a great way to add a non-oily hydration boost to your products.

Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has been available for years, and it remains a popular, non-surgical aesthetic procedure for a reason. Since 1995, it has been an FDA-approved treatment for hair removal, offering effective long-lasting results to clients for years to come. If you’re tired of the hassle of shaving or using hair removal creams, consider a professional treatment option instead. Barr laser hair removal is typically offered in six-session packages.

On the flip side, you can also seek consultations for hair regrowth from Barr Aesthetics. We offer services such as medication, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), scalp micropigmentation (SMP), and low-level light therapy (LLLT). 

Fat Reduction

To allow clients to quickly return to their regular routine after seeking treatment for fat reduction, medical spas have developed ways to non-invasively fulfill this wish. Procedures such as Emsculpt Neo break down fat cells without compromising muscle tone and don’t involve going under the knife. This means you don’t need a convalescence period, and you can return to work or play after a session.


Our skin transforms throughout our lives; it can develop wrinkles, spots, and scars. Photorejuvenation has been proven to even skin tone and reduce the appearance of scars. This non-surgical procedure can be administered via CO2 lasers, intense pulsed light (IPL) lasers, or Medlite lasers. After consulting with your doctor, you can decide what areas you’d like to treat and which method is best. Photorejuvenation is meant to treat the following:

  • Uneven skin pigmentation
  • Liver spots
  • Sunspots
  • Tattoo (removal)
  • Hair removal
  • Rosacea
  • Varicose veins
  • Birthmarks
  • Scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Rough skin

Whether your goal is to reduce the appearance of natural freckles or signs of sun exposure, photorejuvenation is a great option. 


While the following non-surgical aesthetics aren’t nearly as popular as Botox, they still earned a place on the list of top, non-invasive procedures performed in 2019.

Chemical Peels

Intended to treat wrinkles, discoloration, and scars with a chemical solution that allows layers of skin to slough off.

Micro-Ablative Resurfacing

Another surface treatment for facial rejuvenation is micro-ablative lasers. They can target wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven pigmentation.

Full Field Ablative

Taking ablation a step further is this laser treatment that removes a layer of skin. It’s a deep, dermal treatment for wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, decreased elasticity, and blotchiness.

These popular, topical procedures are designed to bring a youthful look to the skin, allowing your external appearance to match how you feel on the inside.

Whether you’re interested in non-surgical aesthetics, facial plastic surgery, or hair regrowth options in Salt Lake City, Utah, Barr Aesthetics offers them all.