DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Xeomin® Injections

Reduce Wrinkles Today

Xeomin® injections offer immediate short-term and preventative long-term benefits. Within a few days of treatment, the affected area will gain a smooth appearance and continued treatment will result in preventing the further development of wrinkles.

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What is Xeomin®?

Similar to Botox, Xeomin® is a natural protein that works to relax muscles in the face to reduce lines and wrinkles that develop naturally over time. 

Who’s a Good Candidate for Xeomin®?

Men and women who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles should consider Xeomin® injections. If you want to ensure it’s the right product for you, schedule a consultation with Barr Aesthetics today.

Cosmetic injections near the eye

What to Expect When You Get Xeomin® Injections at Barr

After your initial consultation, we’ll schedule an appointment for your Xeomin® injection(s).

  • Time Needed for Appointment: 10 to 20 minutes
  • Recovery Time Needed: None
  • Anesthetic Used: None

Topical numbing can be used at your request; simply let us know how we can make you more comfortable.

Man receiving injection around eyes

Where is Xeomin® Administered?

Xeomin® is primarily used to treat the “frown lines” that develop around the eyes and between the eyebrows. These frown lines develop and become pronounced over time because of the repetitive motions of making facial expressions. These repeated motions result in a natural contraction of facial muscles which gain definition over time.

How Does Xeomin® Reduce Wrinkles?

Xeomin® injections suppress the release of chemicals that cause muscles to contract, which has the immediate effect of softening existing frown lines. Additionally, by preventing the facial muscles from contracting further, this treatment reduces the overall pronunciation and development of frown lines over time.

What Else Can Xeomin® Injections Treat?

Xeomin® is also an approved medical treatment for Cervical Dystonia. This condition arises when abnormal nerve signals instruct muscles in the head and neck to contract unnecessarily. These contractions result in many undesired side effects including abnormal head positions, uncomfortable movement, and pain. Xeomin® can be used to block these signals, preventing the targeted muscles from contracting, which can result in more relaxed movements and a reduction in pain.
man getting botox to fix his migraine

What Does the Recovery Process Look Like?

Similar to other cosmetic injections, like Botox and Dysport, there is generally zero downtime ro recovery needed following Xeomin® injections. After your session, you’ll probably notice some redness and swelling at each injection site.

You’ll receive instructions following your treatment, but please note it’s important to refrain from rubbing the injection site(s) to prevent migration of the product.

Although not common, some side effects may include:

How Long Does Xeomin® Last?

While exact results will vary per patient in general, the effects of Xeomin® should be noticeable within one week. The immediate effects of smoothing should last approximately three to six months.

otox facial plastic surgery procedure
Facial injection

Frequently Asked Questions About Xeomin®

No, Xeomin® is a different protein than Botox.

No, Xeomin® does not add volume; it freezes muscles to reduce or prevent wrinkles.

Individual needs vary; Dr. Barr will determine how many units of Xeomin® you need based on specific treatment areas.

We recommend you avoid the following in the week before your appointment:

  • Alcohol
  • Blood thinners
  • Retinol

At Barr Aesthetics, we accept Care Credit for injectable services. If you’d like to see if Xeomin® is covered by your insurance provider, please inquire with them directly.


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Procedures Similar to Xeomin® in Salt Lake City

Barr Aesthetics offers professional injections and procedures that give results similar to those from Xeomin®.

For both surgical and non-surgical procedures that bring out the very best in your skin, contact Barr Aesthetics.