Laser Hair Loss Treatment
Laser treatments (also known as low-level light therapy) can be a great option for both men and women who experience pattern hair loss. Such therapies have proven effective at restimulating hair follicle cells, which promotes growth. This helps people reverse the effects of hair loss, whether it is from age, stress, hereditary issues, or other causes. Low-level light therapy (LLLT) can be a good alternative to medications or transplant surgeries.
How Low-Level Light Therapy Works
Laser hair treatment, utilizing infrared light and light-emitting diodes (LEDs), induces radiation in the photons of your hair follicles. These photons are subsequently readily absorbed by the cells in your scalp, energizing them to promote hair growth. This heightened stimulation results in various significant effects.
Here are some changes that are recognizable in most patients:
- Healthier blood vessels in the scalp. This produces thicker, stronger strands of hair.
- More active sebaceous glands, which help create silkier-looking hair.
- An increase in the production of melanin in the hair, which reduces grey hairs.
Low-level light therapy is seen as a far less intrusive procedure than surgical options, and also potentially yields more immediate benefits than medication. It is painless, frequently effective, and lacks harmful side-effects.
Is LLLT right for you?
While there are plenty of incredible benefits of using low-level light therapy, it isn’t the right choice for everyone. For example, laser treatments require a multitude of sessions a week for several months. This makes it both time-consuming and potentially costly. In addition to that, certain patients may not see the effects of LLLT, depending on hereditary factors, co-occurring medications, or other issues.
Whether or not Low-Level Light Therapy is right for you is a question that can’t be answered over the internet. You should speak to a professional hair restoration specialist before trying laser hair treatments.
Contact Barr Today
If you are curious about learning more about low-level light therapy or would like to set up a consultation, don’t hesitate to give a call to Barr Aesthetics today! Our caring and experienced staff will help answer your questions and give you educated options about how best to proceed with hair restoration treatments.