Vein Treatment
Millions of women and men are affected by unsightly spider and varicose veins. These problem veins are often hereditary but can also be caused by occupational factors, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, etc. The veins often become noticeable during a person’s teen years, though for some the veins don’t become obvious until their 30s or 40s. The Gentlemax laser is a very effective treatment for spider vein removal. These veins will collapse and the body will absorb the small amount of blood in them. The bruising you see immediately after vein treatment means the vein has burst and the blood will no longer flow through that vein. Healing starts and that vein is gone.
Small (Spider) Vein Removal
Many people have small spider veins on their face or legs that are unsightly. These small veins can be caused by sun damage, Rosacea of the face or a weakness in the veins of the legs. Some vein damage can be done when you receive a blow to the face or leg. Others may be caused by weight gain or occupations that require a lot of standing. These small veins are easily removed by using the heat and light of a medical grade laser like the Candela Gentlemax.
Gentlemax Laser Vein Treatments
Laser vein removal usually requires 1- 3 treatments. The veins on the face usually disappear right away when they are treated with the Gentlemax laser. On the face they will heal in about 7-10 days with just a little bruising. Makeup can be used to cover the healing process. Laser vein removal on the legs take more treatments and the healing time is longer. Legs are further away from the heart and the weight of the body increases the healing time. More vein treatments may be necessary for the vein to collapse. These veins will disappear in a few weeks and the appearance of the legs will be much improved. Most people prefer leg vein treatments in the winter when shorts and bathing suits are not worn.