DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Venus Viva

What is Venus Viva?

Venus Viva is the latest advancement used to improve your skin’s overall tone and texture on all areas of the body. Depending on the intensity of the treatment, down time varies from one to seven days.  It is safe and effective for all skin types regardless of age or skin color. This treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to tighten and lighten their skin for a smoother, younger appearance.

Up to 60% improvement in fine lines, scars and pigmentation problems can be seen after a series of 3 treatments when done at higher levels.

What Does it Treat?

Who is a Great Candidate?

Benefits of Venus Viva

How does it work?

  • Venus Viva sends multiple fractional radiofrequency (RF) currents into the skin using a patented scanner technology which allows for a more uniform, safer and less painful treatment than the traditional RF fractional devices of the past. The energy settings are customized per patient and allow the medical professional to design a treatment that addresses the patient’s specific concerns.
  • RF tightens existing collagen fibers in the dermis while stimulating collagen producing cells (fibroblast) to make collagen for the skin.
  • Thanks to the nano-sized pin formation on the treatment head, the degree of tissue injury is greater in the dermis than the epidermis, allowing for little to no downtime when done at lower energy levels. Since the skin is partially (fractionally) damaged, the relative sparing of the epidermis means there is no weeping, oozing or downtime when lighter treatments are performed. At higher levels down time can be up to seven days with more involved post treatment care.

The 30-45 minute Venus Viva procedure is performed comfortably and may involve using a topical anesthetic cream and cryogen skin cooler if the patient desires.

When can I go back to work?

The most common question is “when can I return to work”. Depending on the level of ablation you and your medical provider have chosen, the degree of redness and mild irritation will vary from one to seven days. With higher level treatments you will be red for a few days but can use a quality camouflage cover up typically on day two.

  • Light /Maintenance Treatments: same day to next day
  • Medium Treatments: 3 to 5 days
  • Aggressive Treatments: 5 to 7 days

Post treatment care for your skin will be discussed with you during your consultation. With our recommended camouflage makeup, you may return to work the next day after maintenance/light treatments

Venus Viva treatments may be bundled in a complete program with skin tightening treatments, IPL treatments for advanced color correction, chemical peels and microdermabrasion for clearing of acne lesions, neurotoxin and soft tissue fillers to enhance the aesthetic outcomes of the skin, as well as many other complementary treatments.

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