DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Physical Attractiveness and Self-Esteem

A healthy amount of self-confidence is an important quality to have. A person’s confidence level affects every aspect of their lives, from their work ethic to their willingness to take risks. Employers value self-confidence in their employees, and it is one of the qualities that people look for when searching for a potential lover or friend. It affects a person’s image of themselves, which in turn affects the decisions they make. Studies have shown the importance of having a healthy amount of self-confidence and the benefits it brings to people’s lives.

Studies have also shown that physical attractiveness affects a person’s self-confidence. Of course, nobody should rely entirely on their physical appearance for self-confidence, as that will cause many problems and insecurities. But still, the fact remains that people’s physical attractiveness and how they feel about their physical appearance plays a role in their overall self-confidence. Read on to discover the benefits of having a healthy self-esteem and the role physical appearance plays in self-confidence.

The Benefits of Self-Confidence

    • Improved performance. From athletes to entrepreneurs, confidence in oneself is directly linked to improved performance. Conversely, a lack of self-confidence impedes people from achieving their peak performance and makes them more likely to give up when they encounter obstacles.


  • Happiness. People with self-confidence have been shown to be happier in their daily lives than their less-confident counterparts. It makes sense—how you view yourself influences how you view the world.
  • Better social lives. Self-confident people tend to be more relaxed in social settings and are more likely to be outgoing (not that it’s a bad thing to be reserved). This often results in them making more connections and developing more lasting friendships than people who are not confident enough to socialize.
  • Good health. Self-confidence is an indicator of good mental health. This often results in them taking better care of themselves physically, which in turn results in better hygiene and physical health.


The Link Between Physical Attractiveness and Self-Esteem

Today more than ever, there is a great emphasis on physical attractiveness. From television to movies, billboards to social media, we are surrounded by pictures of unrealistic bodies and faces that have been photoshopped to perfection. Whether we like it or not, those images do influence us and our view of ourselves. Research clearly shows that there is a connection between physical attractiveness and self-esteem, but not in the way most people expect.


The common misconception is that attractive people have higher levels of self-esteem, but this is not the case. In fact, time and time again, it has been shown that there is not a direct correlation between attractiveness levels and self-esteem. This is because self-esteem is not skin-deep. People run into problems when they allow their physical appearance to be the main foundation of their self-esteem. While being attractive—or, with the help of a licensed professional, becoming more attractive—can have a positive impact on self-esteem, it is important that we don’t rely on physical attractiveness to provide it.