DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Obagi Skincare

Obagi is a comprehensive skin care line designed for those who need a more aggressive approach to transforming problem skin.

Obagi Nu-Derm® System

The Obagi Nu-Derm® System corrects and renews your skin by penetrating its deepest layers to repair photodamage and restore healthy cellular function. It helps to:

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation and age spots
  • Diminish the appearance of visible fine lines and wrinkles
  • Transform rough skin texture and reduce skin laxity

Obagi-C® Rx System

The Obagi-C® Rx System prevents damage to skin by intervening and proactively correcting emerging signs of damage, while helping to restore and maintain healthy skin cells. It helps to:

  • Correct mild hyperpigmentation by evening your skin tone
  • Promote cellular turnover through gentle exfoliation
  • Prevent future skin cell damage by neutralizing free radicals and protecting the skin from UVA and UVB rays

Ocagi CLENXZIderm M.D.™ Acne Therapeutic System

Ocagi CLENXZIderm M.D.™ Acne Therapeutic System clears acne and blemishes quickly by penetrating deep into the root of the follicle using a unique, solubilized form of prescription-strength benzoyl peroxide. It helps to:

  • Provide clearer, healthier skin within a few weeks of uses
  • Kill P. acnes bacteria where it starts
  • Deliver clinically proven therapies that are effective
  • Address both normal to oily and normal to dry skin types
Softened wrinkles on middle-aged female

Obagi Elastiderm M.D.™ Products

Obagi Elastiderm ProductObagi ELASTIderm Decolletage System contains 2 products to help replenish elasticity in the skin and build collagen. It also reduces wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and photodamage in the chest and neck areas. 4% Hydroqinone.

Obagi ELASTIderm Eye Gel( better for oily skin) Eye cream (better for dry skin) Malic acid, Blueberry for antioxidants and Obagi technology that drives ingredients deep into the skin.

Obagi Elastiderm Product