DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Tattoo Removal

According to a study in the American Academy of Dermatology, nearly 24% of people (between 18 and 50) have a tattoo. Of that number, as many as half will have a tattoo removed at some point in their life.

Fortunately, techniques for tattoo removal have greatly improved over the past decade. Here at Barr Aesthetics, we primarily use a combination of microblading, and Medlite C6 Laser treatment in order to remove pigmentation in the skin. Because we take a medical approach to tattoo removal, we actually treat your skin to not just remove the marks, but also to heal the skin.

Tattoo Removal

What to Expect from Tattoo Removal

Years ago, the options for tattoo removal were damaging and unreliable. In some cases, individuals actually relied on burning or freezing off layers of skin until the tattoo gradually faded. Others sought out tattoo removal by removing parts of the skin and stitching together the surrounding tissue to cover up the gap.

Today, tattoo removal is much safer and much more effective. Tattoo removal is done by using high-intensity laser beams to break up the pigments underneath the skin’s top layer. These concentrated bursts of light are absorbed by the ink, which is then broken down into particles small enough to be absorbed and flushed out by the body’s natural process.

How well the tattoo removal will go relies on a variety of factors. When the contrast between your skin color and the color of the ink is higher, it makes it easier. Older ink is also usually easier to break down. Depending on your skin and on the type of ink used, it will vary.

Tattoo removal can’t be completed in just one procedure. Usually, it will take 6 to 12 treatment sessions. We usually recommend waiting a month between sessions, and so the journey to removal could be a long-term process.

Choosing a Professional for Laser Tattoo Removal

At first glance, removal of a tattoo might seem as straightforward as getting the tattoo in the first place. However, it takes a complex and scientific approach to get great results. Different lasers are optimal for different colors, application techniques, and formulas of ink. In order to remove the entire tattoo, it will take a series of treatments, specially formulated to treat your specific skin and your specific tattoo.

That’s why it’s so important to judiciously choose a professional who will not just remove the ink, but treat your skin. Tattoo removal relies on the body’s own ability to flush out foreign materials and generate new dermal tissue, and so it’s important to support healthy regeneration and immune function.

If you have questions about tattoo removal, talk to us today. We have the tools, experience, and training to understand exactly how to get the best results for your unique situation.

Dr Barr

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