DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

The Basics About Breast Cancer

In an industry that is driven so much by the desire to achieve one’s perfect aesthetic, the fact that plastic surgeons also accomplish major postoperative reconstruction — that is to say, reshaping the patient’s body after it has undergone cancer treatment — is often overlooked. Truly, there is more to Salt Lake City’s facial plastic surgery centers than helping Utah with its hair regrowth and laser hair removal. 

While something like scar revision is a focus for a clinic like Barr Aesthetics, especially for patients who have recently seen a dermatologist about skin cancer or other harmful conditions, there are many other surgeons who specialize in reconstruction for breast-related issues.

As breastwork constitutes nearly 19% of all plastic surgery done in the world (second only to liposuction, as the data shows), breast cancer treatment can have a great impact on the plastic surgery industry.

Breast Cancer Basics

Each October, sports teams, department stores, and billboards deck themselves in pink to raise awareness for breast cancer and to drum up donations for research foundations, such as the Susan G. Komen Foundation. But what exactly is breast cancer and how can we learn whether we have it?


Cancer, at its core, is the abnormal and unregulated growth of cells in the body. These cells will multiply at an alarming rate, eventually creating tumors that will spread throughout the body. In the case of breast cancer, most tumors begin as benign or noncancerous growths.

  • A tumor of breast cancer cells will form, possibly beginning in many places but usually in the milk glands or ducts.
  • The tumor creates a lump that the individual can feel and see.
  • As cancer cells enter the blood or lymph system, it spreads throughout the body.

If cancer spreads, the cells could be found all throughout the torso area and even in other organs. 


Like those in Utah seeking hair regrowth treatment, who come to the clinic with a receding hairline or a thinning, there are a number of symptoms that one can look for when checking for breast cancer. These include:

  • A breast lump in the breast or under the armpit.
  • Pain/tenderness in the breast tissue.
  • Swelling of parts of the breast.
  • Abnormal nipple discharge.
  • Changes in the skin around the breast.

Finding any one, or a combination, of these symptoms will require a more intensive consultation with an oncologist. In most cases, the resulting tests will be unlike other, more typical outpatient procedures we do in Utah, like laser hair removal — they will require biopsies and follow-ups. So, prepare for a journey ahead.


All forms of cancer may be subject to mutation, as no two bodies are exactly alike. Research into breast cancer mutations are still ongoing, but here are a few “common abnormalities” to key an eye on:

  • Breast cancer can occur in men, as well as women.
  • Mutations to the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes, which repair damaged DNA, can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Other genes with a history of mutation include the ATM gene, the TP53 gene, PTEN gene, and more. These genes have jobs like regulating cell growth and repairing DNA.

Unfortunately, dealing with these changes to your breasts might not be as easy as someone who elects to get facial plastic surgery in Salt Lake City, but there are viable surgical treatments that will improve the patient’s quality of life.

Plastic Surgery Treatment

When it comes to treating breast cancer through surgery, the most common procedures by far are the lumpectomy and the mastectomy.

  • A lumpectomy removes the tumor from the breast.
  • A mastectomy removes the breast altogether.

Knowing if any of these procedures is right for you is a conversation to be had with your doctor, but there are other procedures that, once you’ve gone through the above, are entirely up to you. 


Thanks to modern-day techniques and improved implants, breast reconstruction (including the fixing, or creation, of a nipple) is more viable now than it has ever been. There are multiple reasons to go for this type of procedure, and they are not unlike the kinds that lead people to get hair regrowth treatment in Utah — namely, it’s a matter of aesthetics.

Reconstructing the breast comes with many benefits, including:

  • Creating better symmetry across the entire chest.
  • Permanently reshape the breasts.
  • To avoid using a prosthesis.

Reconstruction might include tattooing a nipple onto the body (for aesthetic purposes) or changing the overall size of the bust.

Ultimately, reconstruction is about feeling good inside one’s own body. If you have benefitted from any of Barr Aesthetics’ services, whether it be laser hair removal, Botox, or anything else, you can contact us for more information on breast augmentation and reconstruction surgery, including trusted recommendations.