DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

The Ultimate Skincare Regime for Oily Skin

No matter the type of skin you have, there are special measures you have to take to cater towards whatever type your skin happens to be. If someone recommends a skincare product to you, it’s important to take a moment to evaluate how your skin type may differ from theirs. If they have dry skin, and yours is incredibly oily, their moisturizer is probably going to just eradicate the skin woes you currently have. If you have oily skin, here are our recommendations!

Mud masks


Mud masks are an incredible way to combat that excess oil that can create a thick film on your face, if it goes unchecked. We recommend doing a mud mask about once a week! You want to be picky about the product you use, not just when it comes to a mud mask, but no matter what kind of product you’re looking for. Ask your dermatologist for recommendations, and see if any of your friends have found a brand of mud masks that they lovem, especially if they also have oily skin.


An oil free cleanser


Your cleanser is one of the most important parts of your skincare routine, especially if you are naturally prone to oily skin. Again, be picky with the cleanser you pick, as not each one was created equal. If you’re feeling stuck, reach out to a professional for suggestions, and make sure to read a lot of reviews online before spending the money. You can also often ask for free samples at stores like sephora or ulta, so ask if that is an option.


Salicylic acid


This is an important ingredient to look for in your moisturizer! Salicylic acid is a powerful ingredient that promotes cell turnover, which will help you control the production of oil in your skin.


Rose water toner


A toner is a key part of your routine when you have an oily skin type. The role of toner is pretty simple; it evens out your skin and should be used after cleanser, but before any other products. There are so many different types of toners out there, but for oily skin, we really recommend rose water!