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Tips for Teaching Teens about Skin Care

Teens need to wear sunscreenBeing an adolescent is hard.  Raging hormones, changing bodies, increased responsibilities, and a desire for independence all play a part in the emotional roller coaster teens ride.  As their bodies change, so do their skin care needs.  Teaching your teens how to care for their skin builds confidence, promotes good habits, and keeps skin healthy.  Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Be a good role model.  A parents is a child’s first teacher, a truth that extends beyond the first years.  If your kids observe you following a healthy skin regimen, they’re more likely to understand how important it is to care for your body.

Start early.  Don’t wait until your kids are tweens or teens to start teaching them about skin care and personal hygiene.  Once kids are old enough to perform some of their self-care tasks themselves, they are old enough to start taking responsibility for them.  Remember that it won’t be many more years before they are dating and living with roommates, who will appreciate it if your kid practices good personal care.

Take your teen shopping with you.  Allowing your adolescent to have input in purchasing their own skincare products will give them a sense of ownership.  It also gives you a chance to talk about the different types of products and their uses in a low-pressure setting.  You’ll learn what concerns them the most about their skin and be able to help them select the best products to meet their needs.

Be empathetic.  The tween and teen years are hard and confusing.  Your kiddo may not know how to ask questions about some of the things he or she wants to know.  Give your teen the space to ask those questions without feeling judged.

Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a professional.  Sometimes, kids are just too embarrassed to ask certain questions of their parents.  Sometimes, they ask, but you don’t know the answers.  That’s okay.  When either of you needs a little help, your family physician can be a great resource.  He or she can answer questions about skin care, acne, and pretty much anything else that might come up.

Know when to push and when to back off.  If your teen doesn’t want to listen and doesn’t practice good personal care, you’re going to have to find a way to intervene.  On the other hand, if you kid is doing a great job with his or her skincare, and just doesn’t want to talk about it with you, it’s perfectly okay to take a step back in this department.

Remember the sunscreen.  I can’t emphasize the importance of sunscreen enough.  Wearing sunscreen every day should be a lifelong habit.  Helping your kids remember to use a non-comedogenic sunscreen every day can help them avoid some of the effects of sun damage that won’t crop up until years down the road.