DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

What is a Browlift?

Plastic surgery has become more popular and more common in the last ten years. There is no longer a stigmatism associated with men and women who receive plastic surgery procedures for a more youthful appearance.

A procedure that is rising to popularity recently is the brow lift. The brow lift is not a new procedure, but it is becoming increasingly requested as the public understands the methods and benefits in association with the procedure.

A brow lift, also sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, can benefit a patient by creating a more youthful appearance. A forehead lift will minimize lines that appear in the forehead.

Many people consider a brow lift for reasons in addition to achieving a youthful looking appearance. A brow lift can help to reshape a low brow that has not been created with age, but from a naturally genetic low brow appearance.

A brow lift is a minimally invasive surgery that will leave small to no scarring areas. The incision, if placed correctly by an experienced surgeon, will be placed at the hair line. This will allow the area to blend in well and as the area heals, the line can be hidden with hair easily.

There are new techniques for minimally invasive plastic surgery procedures created and requested through the plastic surgery community every year. An experienced plastic surgeon can recommend the best techniques for you and your specific desires and needs.

The recovery time for a brow lift is relatively short. Most people can return to work in less than a week after receiving the surgery. Many people are worried that they may have a frozen look while they are healing. The forehead will actually look similar to having received a recent botox treatment.

Unlike botox, a brow lift is a permanent procedure. A lowered brow cannot be corrected with botox. But, a brow lift is an excellent procedure for someone looking to improve the look of their forehead or brow area.