DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration has become a highly requested cosmetic plastic surgery procedure for men and women who do not respond to hair restoration drugs or are not willing to accept some of the harsh side affects that can be associated with the prescription drugs.

A hair restoration treatment works by using a relocation technique. Hair near the back of the head is usually resistant to baldness. This hair can be taken from the rear of the head and moved or transplanted to the areas where balding or thinning occurs.

These areas will continue to see growth and will look very natural. The hair, when placed correctly, will look natural when styled and will feel natural to the touch after it has been given a full treatment cycle time period.

A professional and experienced surgeon should be consulted for this surgery. They can recommend specific techniques to best fit your anti-hair loss and replacement needs. Requesting before and after pictures and patient recommendations is acceptable when considering this type of enhancement.

Many patients are very concerned about pain in the hair restoration procedure. The procedures are low to no pain. This is due to the use of a local anesthetic. After the surgery, a patient will typically feel mild discomfort and soreness in the transplant areas.

The procedure can vary in length, but it is an outpatient treatment. The time will vary greatly due to the experience of the surgeon and the amount of hair that will need to be restored.

The recovery time for hair restoration is short. A patient will experience redness and often small scabs as the affected areas heal. This process usually takes a full week. Afterwards, the hair loss will not be unnoticeable and natural looking.

To learn more about hair restoration and if it is a procedure that you would benefit from, contact a hair restoration professional and request a consultation. They can answer questions in depth and recommend the procedures that will be right for you.