DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

When and Why Does Your Skin Start to Wrinkle?

For most adults, the appearance of wrinkles comes as a surprise. One day, you look in the mirror and see that you have laugh lines around your mouth and worry wrinkles on your forehead. It seems sudden, even though the wrinkles have likely been forming in those places for some time.

But when did they start forming? And why does your skin have to wrinkle? Does the Utah climate affect your wrinkles? What can you do about it?

The answers to these questions require a little diving into the science behind wrinkles. Let’s take a look.

The First Signs of Wrinkles 

Wrinkles begin forming earlier than you might think. Around the age of 25, you might start noticing fine lines on your face. This is a natural aging process that can’t be naturally reversed, and it’s usually not very noticeable.

Over time, the lines will begin to become more noticeable. Your skin will lose elasticity and volume, making the appearance of these fine lines more pronounced, although everyone shows their age at different times.

There are several factors that can influence the appearance of wrinkles on a person. Genetics, habits, sun exposure, environmental factors, nutrition, and more can increase the appearance of wrinkles on a person’s face.

Why Wrinkles Form 

Just as your hair will naturally thin, your face will also begin to show wrinkles. It’s just a fact of life. You grow older, and wrinkles are the evidence.

Scientifically, the cause of wrinkles has to do with your epidermal layers. Your skin naturally produces hyaluronic acid, which reduces sebum production and cell regeneration, drying out the skin and roughening it. Your skin becomes more sensitive to environmental factors. It also becomes weaker and more prone to damage.

Utah’s environment can be hard on the skin as well. The higher elevation brings the sun’s damaging UV rays closer to the skin. The dry air also makes it harder for the skin to retain moisture, increasing your risk of cracking and rough skin that accelerates wrinkling.

Deep within the skin’s subdermal layers, there are fewer lipid-storing cells as you age, which reduces your skin’s elasticity. You’re more likely to notice loss of volume and sagging skin as this natural aging process occurs.

There are certain causes and triggers that can increase signs of aging, however. Some of the most common risk factors for developing wrinkles include:

  • Smoking
  • Decreasing levels of estrogen and other hormone fluctuations
  • Genetics
  • Greater sun exposure
  • Higher levels of pollution
  • Poor nutrition (lacking antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables)
  • Poor skincare routines
  • High levels of stress

Any of these issues might also lead to hair loss, and you might look into hair replacement solutions alongside wrinkle prevention.

How to Prevent Wrinkles 

Knowing what causes wrinkles can help you prevent premature wrinkling and reduce the appearance of them as you age. Here are a few essential things to remember in wrinkle prevention:

  • Wash your face morning and night.
  • Apply moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid.
  • Protect your skin from harmful UV rays and limit sun exposure.
  • Do not smoke or participate in other unhealthy habits.
  • Consider moving to an area with cleaner air or use air purifiers in your home.
  • Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and reduce your intake of sugars and simple carbs.
  • Reduce your stress levels and take a vacation.

Other Ways to Reduce Signs of Aging 

Wrinkle prevention isn’t the only way to reduce signs of aging. The care and attention you pay to your body from head-to-toe shows, and you can significantly improve your youthful appearance. Here are a few other ideas:

Plastic Surgery: You can lift droopy eyelids, get a Botox injection for wrinkles, slim down a bulky nose, reduce love handles, eliminate extra skin from recent weight loss, slim down your chin, and so much more. If you’re in need of a facelift for a more youthful appearance, Utah facial plastic surgery can make a huge difference.

Hair Restoration: The loss of your hair is one of the most common signs of aging for both men and women, although men tend to lose more noticeably than women. Getting a hair replacement procedure can replenish damaged follicles and make you look years younger. Look into a hair restoration consultation in Utah to learn how it might help you too.

Strategic Hair and Makeup: The way you do your hair and makeup is also an important factor. Choosing a medium length haircut, lightening it to blend in pesky gray and white hairs, and getting a gentle fringe to frame your face can improve your look. Lightening up your eye makeup and using quality foundations and cover-up can also improve your skin’s youthful appearance.

You can’t hide from the clock, but you can take steps to protect your skin and hair as you age. Plastic surgery, hair restoration solutions, and other interventions should be tools used after all you can do to naturally reduce aging signs.