DR. LUCY BARR | Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

Where Your Breakouts Are Located Means More Than You Think

Most adults who have acne in highschool, carry their skin problems with them into adulthood. In fact, many adults who never had acne prone skin will develop problematic skin in their adulthood. We usually associate acne with teenagers, but that really isn’t the reality. Most adults experience at least some form of acne. So how do you get rid of it? Understanding your acne, and more importantly where on your face you are breaking out, is a lot more important than you probably realize.


Face mapping


What is face mapping? Face mapping is locating where the problem areas on your skin are, and then correlating those areas of your face with areas of your body. Confusing? More simply, the location of acne on your face may be because of another issue going on inside your body. Getting your skin looked at by a professional is always the best way to make sure your skin is being treated properly. Understanding face mapping will just help you understand why your skin is acting out and inflamed.


Forehead – Digestive system


Your forehead zits usually mean that your body is having a hard time digesting your food. These two issues can often be caused by lack of sleep, stress, dehydration, or poor diet.


Above the eyebrows – Immune system


Not to be confused with your forehead, we’re talking about the area of skin directly above your eyebrows. This is often because you are sick or fighting some sort of virus. It can also be caused by brow products; give your brow brush a wash!


Between the eyebrows – Liver


If you’re starting to grow a unibrow of acne, it may be because you’re drinking alcohol, eating a lot of sugary or greasy/processed foods, or you have a food allergy you aren’t aware of/are ignoring.


Cheeks – Respiratory system


Acne on your cheeks is usually caused by smoke and air pollution. There isn’t a lot you can do to avoid being outside around pollution, which is why it’s so important to wash your face daily!


Chin and Jaw – Hormones and Stomach


For most women, this is the area that experiences the most breakouts, often in the form of cystic acne. This because of hormones. The best thing to do for this is to get your hormones checked and see if there is an imbalance. You can also talk to your OB about switching birth control to help alleviate this acne.